“Empowering Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) for a better future in the Gaza Strip through Integrated Care and Social Development” July,2020- May, 2021

The program will contribute to the productivity and social inclusion of today’s orphans and vulnerable children through a long-term transformative journey from childhood to a productive young generation (OVC to enabled youth). This journey will include; social care and integrated support services, followed by character building with healthy beliefs and habits throughout the childhood stage, and finally technical, social, and economic empowerment in order to yield enabled youth that is able to gain sustainable and dignified means of living.

To contribute to improved health behaviors and future opportunities realization of orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) in the Gaza Strip.

Project Outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Improved provision of social services to OVC in the Gaza Strip through upgrading OVC centers
  • Outcome 2: Reinforced good behaviors and commitment to social values among OVC and their families
  • Outcome 3: Empowered youth


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